MEN WALKING WITH GOD International Ministries

Our Purpose

Faith And Life Ministries
Men Walking With God And Accountability
The Men Of Men Walking With God
Men Of God Be Informed
Christian Links
Our Purpose
God's Plan Of Salvation
Just what is a real Man
All The Churches Repersented By Our Men
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The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry



To honor, glorify, and obey the voice of God.

To seek and to spread the Gospel to those who are lost by taking the word of Jesus Christ beyond the walls of the Church, via conferences, crusades, seminars, and retreats in cities and principalities all over the world.

To empower, encourage, exhort, equip, advance, and, continually, edify the Body of Christ in thanksgiving and praises.

To tear down strongholds that divide men and women racially, denominationally, socially, and economically.

To lift high the banner of the true and living God. That allows us to walk in love, in the anointing and in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

To welcome and honor all miracles, signs, and wonders that honor and glorify God.

To welcome every man of God into this fold, that we might express our faith in the fact that Jesus Christ lives, is the Son of God, and is the Soon-Coming Messiah.

To strive to strengthen husband wife relationships

To strive to strengthen the family as defined by God.

To strive to be the men of God that God would have us to be

To strive to strengthen the ministries of men and their ministries in their local churches

To strive to strengthen the local church