The Musts Of Jesus
John 4:1-10
There were some things that the Bible says that Jesus had to do. I like to call
them the “musts” of Jesus while He walked the face of this earth as a man. For instance, one of the musts of Jesus
is that He had to die for sinners and rise again: (Mat.16:21) Another must was He
had to be about the Father's business: (Lk.2:49)
I want to especially point out, however, that Jesus had some divine appointments
with sinners to lead them to salvation (Lk.19:5) That is, I believe the case of our
text, when the Bible says that (Jh.4:4) And Jesus must needs go through Samaria.
Even as the Spirit of the Lord led Philip away from Samaria to preach the gospel
to one Ethiopian eunuch in the desert, Jesus had to go through Samaria to reach one woman with the message of living water.
Let's look at some of the reasons for the necessity of this visit to Samaria:
Jesus went to Samaria because of HIs
1. Regardless of their sex or gender
A. Jesus is seeking SINNERS.
B. Jesus is after men and women to bring them to God!
C. He is also seeking little sinners, little boys and
2. Regardless of their social class
A. Jesus is seeking rich sinners and poor sinners.
B. He will save from the "guttermost" to the "uttermost."
C. He died for the "up and out" and the "down and
3 . Regardless of their sin
A. There is no sin too big for Jesus to forgive.
B. The only unforgivable sin is the rejection of Jesus
1. She was dead (1 Tim.5:6)
A. She no doubt thought sometimes that she was "living it
in reality she was nothing but a zombie, a walking corpse.
B. The Bible says that lost people are "dead in trespasses and
sins" (Eph. 2:1).
2. She was dirty (Jh. 4:16-18)
A. Jesus goes after "undesireables"!
3. She was in a drought
A. She came to get physical water for a physical thirst.
B. However, she was unaware that God was able to fill the
emptiness of her heart with living water!
C. Lost people are living in a desert, my friend, even if they are
physically living in the best houses! They
D. Will you let God use you to take "the living water" to people
who are dying of spiritual thirst?
1. Jesus loves souls
A. Jesus loved sinners enough to die for them! Do you love them
enough to become a
part of our church's outreach to sinners?
2. Jesus looks for souls
A. Jesus spent His ministry going to the public
B. While the disciples were gone into town for bread, Jesus went
to the well to find a woman who needed God.
C. Are you and I looking for souls
D. Are we looking at people as souls who need the Savior
3. Jesus leads souls to salvation
A. Jesus pointed people to heaven!
B. You and I, if we follow Jesus, will also be pointing people
C. Let's get started!
1. For lifting up their eyes
A. Our eyes
are too focused on the dirt of this world!
B. Some Christians are so tied up with television, magazines,
books, and the Internet that they don't have time to win souls.
C. Folks, now is the time for all Christians and lift
up their eyes!!!
2. For looking on the fields
A. We should look on the FOREIGN field and give above our
tithes and other offerings
to the cause of missions.
1. We should give prayer and financial
support to those who
are carrying
the gospel to other lands.
C. We should look on the HOME field and not only give tithes and
offerings to our local
church, whose aim is to win souls, but we
should look on the lost here in our area and
realize that WE are
the instrument God wants to use to bring people
to salvation
3. For laboring in the fields
A. Don't put it off for four months!
B. Don't put it off for another 90 days!
4. Get involved TODAY in soul-winning!
During the Arab-Israeli war 1967 an American reporter was flying over the Sinai desert with an Israeli
officer, and they spotted some fifty thousand stranded Egyptian soldiers who obviously were dying of thirst. When the situation
was reported in the newspapers, a number of world leaders and organizations tried to do something to help. But every time
a plan was suggested, some military, diplomatic, or bureaucratic obstacle prevented its being carried out. By the time help
came, thousands of the soldiers had died.
How equally tragic it is for churches to spin their wheels in programs and committees while thousands
around them are desperately in need of the spiritual water of the Word.