Minstering To Men
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Prov.27:17)
We facilitate an active kinship amongst the men of our church so
that they will be the true Servant - Leaders of their families, church, workplace and community.....
Jesus My Lord And Savior's men's ministry is
dedicated to helping men be the godly men God calls us to be. A godly man is a servant, not a slavemaster. Being a
spiritual leader does not mean dominating your family. It means serving your family, and being a godly example to your wife
and children.
The mission our men's ministry is to provide men with the
resources to develop godly character, and to equip them to influence their world for Christ. Becoming a Christian is not a
destination; it is the beginning of a life-long journey. Hopefully, our men's ministry and this site will help some men
along the way.
Men Walking With God |
An International Ministry |
Men Of Intergity
A Real Man
Every Man's Battle |