A Godly Father
Luke 15:11-24
In Luke chapter 15 we find Jesus teaching on the love of God, and God’s desire for all to
be saved. He tells us of the concern of God over just one lost sinner. To do this He tells three parables, a lost sheep, a
lost coin, and a lost son. I have heard many sermons preached from these verses, many on the prodigal son, and a few on the
older son. But I cannot remember any sermons centered on the father. Of all the fathers we find in the Bible, this man is
spoken of more than the others combined. We don't know his name or the names of his sons. We know very little about him other
than he was the one that Jesus chose to use to illustrate to us the relationship of the child of God to the Heavenly Father.
He was the father of two sons. One is called the 'prodigal'. As many times as I have heard this text
preached and read it. I wasn't sure of the meaning of the word 'prodigal'. Webster says it is recklessly extravagant; or characterized
by wasteful expenditure. That describes our government pretty well doesn't it?
Often we are given the idea that there was one good son and one bad son, but that isn't the way the
parable goes. Both boys had some problems, and their father dealt with each one individually. Today we want to focus on the
father rather than on the sons. It was because he was what he was that his sons became what they should have been.
I. He was an Approachable (v12, 21, & 29)
1. He had two sons
A. The younger son, the prodigal. (Represents retentive sinner)
1. Rebellious, wanting to sow wild oats.
2. He thought away from his father, from under his
guidance, rules he would find
a. Adventure, but he got agony
b. Prestige, but he got poverty
c. Romance, but he found himself
in rags
d. Happiness, but he found
hungry, and ended up in a hog pin.
B. The Older Son
1. Stayed home to run the farm and follow in
his Dad’s
2. Had a problem with jealously and anger.
2. The history of the unknown father.
A. Probably a widower
B. Probably wealthy
C. Personally a loving and kind man.
D. Perfect example of our Heavenly Farther
1. He is loving (John 3:16)
2. He is dependable (Jeremiah
3. He wants all to be saved, does
not want to lose even one.
Peter 3:9)
II. He was a spiritual (v18-19)
1. Taught his children right.
A. Taught them spiritual principles.
1. (Prov.22:6)(Eph.6:4)
2. The Fruit of his teachings.
A. Older so takes over the farm and follows in his father’s foot
B. The son, the Prodigal, comes to his senses after a while and
comes home.
C. Both sons associated heaven, and God with there Daddy
3. Daddy what are you teaching your children?
A. Can they see Jesus, the love of God, and the principles
God in you?
4. Think for a moment Dad, you are as God to your children.
5. Dad the responsibility of child rearing rests on you shoulders, not
the church, school, or government
III. He was affectionate. (V20-24)
1. He showed his emotions
A. Is it wrong for a man to cry?
1. Jesus cried. (John
2. Read the whole story
and find out why Jesus shed tears.
3. There is a difference between
shedding tears and crying.
2. A father’s affection, love is
A. Strong, Rugged, Stable, Yet tender.
B. Must be shown and expressed
1. Remember what James said about faith
without works?
(James 2:14-26)
3. Daddy do you need to come home?
4. Daddy your wife and children need you desperately.
In the parable of the prodigal, Jesus pictures the father waiting patiently for his son to come home.
In the parable of the ninety and nine he pictures the shepherd leaving the flock in search for the one lost sheep.
J. W. Stevenson in his book, God, In My Disbelief tells how Dr. Christopher, an old minister, had gone
south to London to seek for his son who had dishonored his home and left father and mother. "There was no address to guide
him. Only after many days was the name of the street discovered; and when the old minister, with his white hair, stood at
the end of it he knew it was beyond him to go from door to door of its length. But a street musician came by just then and
Dr. Christopher stopped him. Did he know an old tune, one that had been a favorite in the home when the children were young?
Would he walk with him along the street as he played? And he told him why.
"So they went slowly, the street musician and the old minister with his hat in his hand so that his
face could be seen, taking this last slender chance to find the son who had no use for him; seeking him who had no understanding
of the love in his father's heart.