ACTS 9:1-9
Without question, one of the greatest Christians who ever lived was a man by the
name of Paul. Paul suffered for the cause of Christ. He abandoned a life of luxury and prestige to preach the Gospel of grace.
He walked away from friends, family and fortune to go with Jesus and tell others about the Lord. Paul was a faithful believer,
a powerful preacher, and a "man" used more than any other in his generation, or in any generation since. But, Paul knew better
than anyone that without Jesus Christ he was none of those things. Listen to his own testimony in 1 Cor. 15:10, “But
by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly
than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” Paul knew that
his life, and everything that had come from his life, was the result of God’s grace working in him and through him.
I want to look into these verses for a few minutes today. I want to try to
preach about the salvaton of Saul, what a wonderful story, a true story. Saving Grace. May the Lord help us to understand
The Saving Grace of Jesus Christ.
1. In Spite Of His Deeds
A. What Paul was like before he came to know Jesus.
1. A staunch Jew who did everything in
his power to destroy
2. But, in spite of this, God loved him
and saved him!
B. We are not much different
1. We are all sinners –
Rom. 3:10-23; Gal. 3:22
2. We are dead in our sins and cannot get to God –
Eph. 2:1
3. We all deserve to go to Hell – Rom. 3:23; Psa.
4. Yet, God comes to where we are and He extends His saving
grace into our lives
2. In Spite Of His Desires
A. Paul had no thoughts of being saved. In fact, he was doing
everything in his power
to destroy the Gospel.
B. Despite what he wanted, God came to him anyway!
C. If we were left to our own desires, we would never come to
1. He comes to us first, (Jh.6:44)
2. Our path would lead us straight to
Hell’s flames,
(Pro. 16:25).
E. I praise His name that He does not care about our desires, but
He comes to us and draws
us unto Himself.
3. In Spite Of His Defiance
A. The word “pricks” in verse 5 means “to sting”
and it refers to a
B. Paul was doing his own thing, and God was goading his
C. God was making life uncomfortable for Paul and he was
fighting what God was doing
in his heart and life. But, God
ignored the defiance of Paul and continued to
goad him until he
was ready to surrender to the will of God.
1. The Devotion Of His Life
A. At one point, the Law of God had been the central focus
Paul’s life. But, when he met Jesus, the Lord became the
centerpiece of Paul’s life.
B. He became devoted to following and serving the Lord Jesus
2. The Direction Of His Life
A. Saul of Tarsus was devoted to practicing, defending and
expanding Judaism.
B. Paul, on the other hand, was a man who looked on all
achievements of his Past life as nothing and who wanted
nothing more than to be totally
sold out to and for Jesus Christ,
(Phil. 3:7-11).
C. He forsook everything and went after Jesus!
3. The Destination Of His Life
A. Paul was sure that his devotion to the Jewish religious system
would save him
B. Paul would never have believed it if you had told him that
was actually headed to Hell.
C. But, when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, everything
changed. Not just Paul’s
life, but his eternal destination was
also changed forever.
D. We live in a day when many people do not believe in Hell any
longer. But, that does
not change the fact that all those who do
not know Jesus are still headed to Hell.
E. But, friend, when you come to know Jesus as your Savior, you
are instantly taken off
the road to Hell and transplanted onto the
road to Glory!
1. Grace Provided All That He Lacked
A. Paul possessed many things in his life.
1. Power, prestige, position, prosperity,
popularity and
2. But, he lacked the most important
things of all. (Grace)
B. He Had Religion, But He Lacked Redemption – Kept the
1. Being religious and doing religious
things will never save
your soul! Religion
will not get it done! You must have a
relationship with Jesus Christ. You must come to
Him through faith
in His shed blood, 1 Pet. 1:18-19.
C. He Had Service, But He Lacked Salvation
1. Paul was doing his
best to serve God. He thought that he
was doing all the right things. He was a hard worker and he
active, but he was still a lost sinner until he met Jesus!
2. When he met Jesus, he received
all the things he had never
able to earn by all his hard, religious effort.
3. The same is true in your
life and mine. We can never “earn”
“deserve” salvation by our good deeds. We are saved
“by grace through faith” alone, Eph. 2:8-9.
D. He Had Honor, But He Lacked Hope
1. Saul was the
rising star of Judaism. He was the apple of
every Jew’s eye. But, deep within his heart, he knew
something was missing, verse 5.
2. His response
was to try harder; to attack the church and to
and eliminate the name of Jesus. He had no real hope
in his life.
3. You may have everything
this world can give a person, but if
do not know Jesus, then you have no hope beyond this
2. Grace Provided All That He Had Longed For
A. Everything Paul was striving for a religious sinner was given
him in abundance when he became a partaker of God’s great
1. Grace Provided Faith
2. Grace Provided Fellowship
3. Grace Proved Fulfillment
B. Friend, you will never get it done by yourself. You need Jesus.
C. If you will come to Him, He will give you rest from your labors,
Matt. 11:28; and peace
in your heart, Phil. 4:7. He will give you
a spiritual fulfillment that you could never produce by your own
A story is told of Peter Miller, a plain Baptist preacher living in Ephrata, Pennsylvania in
the days of the Revolutionary War. Near his church lived a man who maligned the pastor to the last degree. The man became
involved in treason and was arrested and sentenced to be hanged. The preacher started out on foot and walked the all seventy
miles to Philadelphia to plead for the man's life. Washington heard his plea, but he said, "No, your plea for your friend
cannot be granted." "My friend!" said the preacher. "He is not my friend! He is the worst enemy I have." "What!" said Washington,
"you have walked nearly seventy miles to save the life of an enemy? That puts the matter in a different light. I will grant
the pardon."
This is the essence of grace. It affords us God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace has
been described as “the unmerited love and favor of God for undeserving lost sinners.” In spite of all we are and
all we have done, God still extends