Why Does Satan Go to Church
Every time Jesus met someone
demon-possessed He kicked the demons out! This case is unusual, why because of where it took place in the very house
of God!
Why in the world would a man possessed by demons, a hater of God, an enemy of God even
be interested in going to the house of God?
Why would the devil want to go to church?
1. Because He Is Religious.(In his religiousness he is)
1. Orthodox. Adhering to the accepted or
traditional and established faith
A. Tozer said, "The devil is a better theologian
than any of us, but he is the Devil still."
B. He knows what he believes and why he
believers what he believes
2. Monotheistic.
He knows there’s only one God.
Problem is, he doesn’t worship that one God.
C. When he shows up at church it isn’t to worship
the one true God! But to worship himself
3. Ritualistic
A. Satan’s
religion is false religion but it is religion
B. Satan is opposed
to Christianity but he isn’t
opposed to churchianity.
C. He loves to
see folks go to church for the wrong
reasons to uplift self, etc.
D. He loves it
when we don’t put our hearts into
praising God. He likes seeing us just going
through the motions. He can stand anything but
real worship
4. Knowledgeable
A. Of who Jesus really
B. And so are his demons,
the one in the synagogue
did. He believed that Jesus is both God and man at
the same time.
The demon clearly identified Christ’s humanity
by calling Him "Jesus of Nazareth". But he also
identified Christ’s deity by calling Him "the
Holy One of God". (verse 24)
5. Deceitful
Two things he wants to decieve you about.
1. Worship. "True worship" (John 4:24)
2. Faith "True faith" (James 2:18-20)
3. His purpose of fooling us about faith is
worship, that we might have a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof:
4. The church must surely be on guard against
doctrine. But the danger we are
sometimes less aware of is false worship. We
must always guard against dead religion. We
cannot afford to become complacent and
nonchalant about our worship of God! We
should consistently re-evaluate why we
worship and how we worship.
II. Because He Is A Pretator.
1. Satan’s Desire
A.To the saved I say, hear this
1. He cannot possess you, but he can have
your life if you allow him to have it.
2. Notice what happened to Peter, in
(Luke 22:31) Jesus told Peter, "Satan
desires to have you, that he might sift
you as wheat."
3.Then in (Mat. 26:69-75) we see where
Peter failed his test. He deined Jesus
three times.
4. Then in (I Pt. 5:8) Peter said, Be sober,
be vigilant; because your adversary the
as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour:
B. To the Lost, hear this.
1. If you are not saved, then Satan's
demons can and will possess you at
their will. (Mrk.5:1-10)
2. Satan’s
Goal “Control”
Notice how the plural pronouns (verse 24)
Indicates just how closely the demon was
identified with the man
Satan’s Field “The
A. Satan even has control of the pulpits in some
churches.(2Cort.11:13-15) For such are false
apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no
marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an
angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if
his ministers also be transformed
as the
of righteousness; whose
end shall be
according to their works.
III. Because He Is Covetous.
1. Satan’s Desire In Worship
A. The devil wants to be worshipped
as if he were
God. (Isa. 14:12-14) (Matthew 4:9)
2. Satan’s Accomplishment In Worship
A. Satan
will for a short while be worshiped as God.
(Rev. 13:8)
IV. He Does Not Go To Church When
1. The true followers
of Christ remember
A. We are
involved in a struggle.
1. Our great struggle is not with paying our bills
or staying healthy.
2.Our greatest struggle is a spiritual one.
(Ephesians 6:10-13)
Lost in the jungle, a man sought desperately to
find his way to safety. His strength was ebbing fast as the insects and stifling heat did their deadly work. Suddenly
he heard what he thought to be a bell tolling in the distance. Believing he was nearing civilization, he struggled bravely
onward; but he never seemed to draw closer to the sound. Finally he fell to the ground exhausted, never to rise again.
The mysterious bellbird had claimed another victim! This story is related in detail by G.B. Robeson. He says that
many a traveler in the heart of the rain forest of Central and South America has been led to his death by the uncanny call
of this seldom-seen bird. Its enticing, reverberating "toll" produces an almost overpowering temptation to seek its
Similarly, Satan employs subtle devices to ensare the human race. As lost souls seek to disengage
themselves from the vines of sin, they are allured by the tempter's "bell" ringing in the distance. "At last," they
think, "I've found a way of escape," and so, following the call of the evil one deeper and deeper into the jungle of despair,
they are eventually lost for eternity.
Many are following the deceptive call of the devil's "bell-bird" because
it "seems right" to them. O that they might realize the truth of these words before it is too late: "The end thereof
are the ways of death." Christ, who declared that "no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6), is the only
One who can lead poor wanderers to the promised land of salvation and safety!