DAN. 3:13-18
The book of Daniel is a great book. It is a book of prophecy, it is a book of eschatology.
It is a book in which we learn of the faithfulness, trails and triumphs of four men of God. And I want to center in on three
of these four men. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, not to leave the fourth, Daniel, out . But to look at how these three
were tried by fire. They were ordered to bow or burn. (I believe
that’s kind of the way it is today)
But these three brave young men would refuse to forsake their Lord, and bow to a false God.
Unlike many folks today who quickly bow to many false Gods. Because of their faithfulness to God, they would be comforted
and transformed. But the best part of it all is that they met Jesus. But I want you to see, understand, and never forget where
and how they met Him.
Let this be a lesson for you and I in these last days that we are living in. If we will only
take a stand for Christ and for what’s right, and for what will bring Him honor and Glory, even though we may have to
go through the fire for our stand. He will be there to meet you and I in the fire and He will lead us through it.
1. They were not willing to follow the world's lead.
2. Bible says that they regarded not the king, nor his gods,
nor the
golden image.
3. Notice the King (who represents Satan) became angry
they refused to bow.
A. And be sure that Satan, the
world, and the people of
world will get angry when we refuse to follow
lead and bow to the god of this world.
4. These three men “dared” to be different. Can We,
Will We???????
5. Our Lord Jesus Christ was different!
A. He dared to live a righteous life in a sinful
B. He dared to be a shining light in a darkened
and sinful
C. He dared to live a different life style. And He stuck
like a sore thumb.
6. If we are to be the children of God and follow Jesus then
we to must be different.
"born again."
7. Changed Corinthians (1Corth. 6:19-20)
8. Paul a good example (Phil.3:7-14)
1. Notice how they answered the king. "we are not careful to
answer thee in this manner.
A. Now listen folks they had really thought this
1. The had considered the
consequences to their answer
2. Have you considered the
consequences to being a
Christian? Its not easy.
2. Do you remember the thrill of being saved. I mean what it
felt like when you first got saved.
A. Taking new stands, the zeal of soul winning. Risking
jobs, positions, and
even friends.
1. By the way allow
me to speak to you a moment about
friends. "Friends of the world, friends of the old
life.' (II Cort. 6:17)
3. I want you to know that the walk of faith is a daring walk.
But a rewarding walk.
1. He is able!
A. To deliver us
B. To heal us
C. To make all things right.
D. But are you willing?
2. But what if He does not deliver us? What if He does not
heal, make all things right?
A. Will you still be true? Can we?
3. Are you angry with God? Feel like He let you down? He
didn't come through for you?
A. He didn't heal marriage, finances,
4. Hear the words of Job. (Job. 13:15)
5. Hear the words of Jesus (Lk. 22:42)
6. Look again at these verses
1. What a deliverance it was!
A. Jesus walked in the fire with them.
2. Notice the fire only burned the ropes, nothing else.
A. The Bible says that you couldn't even smell
smoke on
3. Why no burn no smell?
4. They were already on fire for God. Are you?
5. Wanted men on fire.
Every Christian ought to be ready to stand up courageously and unashamedly for the Lord. How
inconsistent that a person redeemed by the blood of Christ experiencing saving power should cower before an unbelieving world!
On one occasion Frederick the Great invited some notable people to his royal table. Including
his top-ranking generals. One of them by the name of Hans von Zieten declined the invitation because he wanted to partake
of communion at his church.
Some time later at another banquet Frederick and his guests mocked the general for his religious
scruples and made jokes about the Lord's supper. In great peril of his life, the officer stood to his feet and said respectfully
to the monarch, "My lord, there is a greater King than you, a King to whom I have sworn allegiance even unto death. I am a
Christian man, and I cannot sit quietly as the Lord's name is dishonored and His character belittled."
The guests trembled in silence, knowing that von Zieten might be killed. But to their surprise,
Frederick grasped the hand of this courageous man, asked his forgiveness, and requested that he remain. He promised that he
would never again allow such a travesty to be made of sacred things. (Romans 1:16)