1CORTH. 2:14-3:4
I have had a burden for many years for God’s men. In
most of the churches that I have been pastor at, I have seen how the men just lay back and allow the women to be the spiritual
leaders. And my brethren that ought not so to be!
Now allow me to say that I am in no way degrading the women
in this church. I have always stated and so I will again that if it were not for the women, we probably would not have a church.
Down threw the years time and again I have witnessed the wives taking the children to church and not the Dads. Time and again
I have seen the ladies faithfully serve while men have not!
So that being the case I want to begin a little series of
men sermons, lasting probably about a month. I have asked my heavenly Father for some sermons that will touch “all”
the men that are man enough to come to these serves! And I am sure that my Heavenly Father is going to do just that.
Now in (ICort.2:14;3:2) Paul tells us of three type of men. And my brethren everyone of us
men here will fit into one of these groups. And matter of fact ladies you too can find your self in one of these groups. So
it will be impossible for anyone to leave here today saying that sermon was not for me. ”You will hear from God today!”
But first let’s take a look at what Paul was saying
to this church in Cornith, and apply it to Lemonwood Baptist and the men here.
1. Paul's message and method
to the natural man. (vv. 1-13)
A. His message
1. Christ and him crucified. Nothing less nothing more.
B. His method
Paul preached by the power of God. And he made sure
that all knew that.
2. He did
not credit the power of his preaching to his
ability, or gifts.
2. Paul’s burden heart for the natural
A. Paul‘s heart‘s
desire for natural man to be saved.
B. I have the same burning
deep down in my soul!
1. I can say as Jer. said in (Jer. 20:9)
3. Paul’s Questions about the natural
A. Just
who is the natrual man? Notice (2:14), and
understand what and who he is.
He is a lost man. Never been regenerated, born again,
or in other words saved.
2. He cannot
even understand the spiritual things of God.
3. In reality
they, the spiritual, things are foolishness to
4. The Bible is
a dark confusing book to the natural man.
B. What is the
final destiny of the natural man?
"Destruction" (PROV. 14:12)
C. What is the need of the natural
man? "Salvation"
Matter of fact that is the need of all people. (ROM. 3.23)
And all people can be converted from natural to saved.
(JH. 6:35-40)
II. THE CARNAL MAN (3:1-4) (fleshly Christians)
(“sarkinos” fleshly, of the flesh)
1. The carnal man’s confusion
A. He lives for the
"Get all the gusto out of life."
"Live for today, for tomorrow may never come."
3. The carnal man needs to hear the words of Jesus in
(MT. 6:19-20)
B. He tries living as a child
of the devil and to go to heaven
child of God.
He thinks that he can have the best of both.
Is not that the way that it is with the majority of
a. Wanting to hold on to the things of the world as they
walk with Christ.
b. Well folks that just won't work! It has to be one or
the other.(1KG. 18:21)
2. The Carnal man’s contradictions
A. He knows what
is right but doesn't do it.
B. He knows the
world is lost but clings to it.
He is like Lot lingering in Sodom (Gen. 19:16)
3. The carnal man’s need. “Commitment”
1. The spiritual man’s past
A. He was once
a natural man! Or maybe a carnal,
“fleshly” Christian
2. The spiritual man’s change
A. What was it that
changed him from a natural a carnal
man into a spiritual man?
Salvation through faith in Christ “transformed” him.
(Rom. 12:1-2)
Once doomed; now delivered, Once lost; now found,
bound for hell; now bound for heaven.
3. The spiritual man’s teacher
The Holy Spirit (vv. 11-13)
4. The spiritual man’s understanding,
A. He discerns
(understands) all things
B. He can see God at
work in the world and in his life
C. But he is often misunderstood
by others. Even those who
close to him.
1. The warning of Jesus (JH. 15:18-20) and Paul's
warning (2TIM. 3:12)
2. Peter's explanation. (1PT. 4:12-14)
5. The spiritual man’s future
A. Lays up treasures
in heaven.
1. How does he do that? By prayer, bible study, church
attendance, and witnessing
A skyrocket is lovely to watch but its beauty doesn't last
long. There are people who have Christian experiences as brilliant as skyrockets or like giant Roman candles. They fairly
dazzle our eyes for awhile. But then they sputter and go out and their lives are sick or disappointing and disillusioning.
All of us know that it's the people who through the years maintain the spiritual glow who make us believe in the genuineness
of Christianity. Their devotion is deep and constant because it is real.