SimeonThe Forgotten Man of Christmas
Luke 2:21-35
Everything about our Savior’s virgin birth and incarnation is unusual and significant . Most
of our attention centers on Mary and Joseph, Herod and the wise men, or the shepherds and the angels. The whole Christmas
story is incomplete, however, without Simeon. So just what do we know about this man? He lived in Jerusalem. He was an aged
saint, He was a man of fervent faith and hopeful patience. He was a devout man. Simeon was:
I. He Was A Spirit-led man
1. His relationship to the Holy Spirit.
(v. 25)
A. The Holy Ghost was UPON HIM, "
B. The Holy Spirit indwells believers today.
C. The Holy Spirit lives within us and His desire is to
lead us and into all truth.
2. His revelation from the Holy Spirit .
(v. 26)
A. The Bible is now our source of revelation.
1. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through
the Word of God.
2. "All scripture is given by inspiration
of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" (2 Tim 3:16)
a. Doctrine: He
teaches us what is right.
b. Reproof:
He teaches us what is wrong.
c. Correction:
He teaches us how to get right.
d. Instruction:
He teaches us how to stay right.
3. His response to the Holy Spirit (v.
A. "he came by the Spirit, " He allowed the Spirit of God to lead
Him and direct Him.
B. We too are to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in life.(Gal
II. He was a Salvation-enlightened man. (vs. 28-32)
1. His privilege
A. He saw Christ
B . He touched Christ.
2. His prophecy
A. He saw Jesus as the savior of the world verse 26
B. He saw the fall and rise again of many in Israel
1. Jesus a stumbling block to many, but many
who stumble will rise up to trust
C. He saw Jesus as one who was spoken against.
1. Fulfilled by Jesus life.
2. Fulfilled at Jesus’ crucifixion
3. Fulfilled by many today
3. His prayer (v. 29)
A. Involves satisfaction (v29) salvation (v 30) sovereignty (v31) both
Jews and
Gentiles. (v32)
4. His perception (v 30)
A. He saw, realized, God’s preparation - v 31
B. He saw, realized, God’s purpose - v. 32
1. Grace to the Gentiles
2. Glory for Israel
III. He was a Scripture-Learned man. (vs.
34, 35)
1. His knowledge of
the Messiah, (v. 34)
A. He knew the prophets had foretold
the Messiah.
B. He knew also that Mary’s child would have an impact on
all of Israel.
C. He knew many would stumble because of Him.
D. He knew many would rise again because of Him.
E. He knew and believed what Isaiah prophesied ( Is. 8:14)
IV. He had a message from God for Mary (v.35)
1. A message of great suffering and
great anguish for Mary.
A. As if a sword would pierce her soul. (perhaps
a shadow of what would happen
on Calvary)
B. But, this must be...for many hearts to be revealed.
2. A message of blessing, but also one of preparation
for Mary for what was to come.
Simeon is often overlooked when we consider the story of Christ’s birth. But he stands as a great
example for us all. Spirit-Led Salvation-Enlightened Scripture-Learned