John 12:12-19
For thousands of years, the Jewish people had been looking
for a Messiah. They were expecting a great military leader, one who would overthrow all of their enemies and restore Israel
to its former greatness and glory. What they had not expected was that their King would appear as a carpenter. They never
expected that He would possess no weapons, no army and political power. They certainly never knew that He would be crucified
on the cruel cross of their oppressors.
However, throughout the earthly life of Jesus,
they were given evidence on top of evidence that Jesus was who He said He was. He proved His identity time and again by His
miracles, by His pedigree, by the place of His birth, by signs and wonders too numerous to mention. Yet, they refused to believe
that He was in fact the Messiah. Time and again He revealed Himself unto them, and time and again they rejected Him. So much
so that John puts it this way, "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.", John 1:11. That is, Jesus came unto His own "intimates", as in
family and friends, yet they refused to have Him!
In this 12th chapter of John's Gospel, Jesus is
once more about to reveal His identity to the nation of Israel. They will be given one final opportunity to receive their
King. This chapter, which records the details of the last few days of Christ's public ministry paints a portrait of Jesus:
The King. In these verses, we will see who He is, what He came to do and how He carried it out. As we consider these truths
about the Lord Jesus, I challenge you to look into your own heart and see where you stand in regard to the King. Have you
received Him, or are you living in rejection of this One who loves you so? Allow the Word of God to speak to your personal
need today as we consider together Jesus: The King.
1. The Method Of His Presentation
A. Jesus
clearly proved His identity by fulfilling Zechariah's prophecy
B. When the Romans saw
Jesus riding a donkey, they probably thought it
was all a joke. After all, what king rides a donkey?
C. After all,
wouldn't Messiah be riding a powerful war horse? Even
Christ's own Disciples did not understand
the import of what they
were witnessing, (v. 16).
D. But notice
(Zech. 9:9)Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee:
he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
2. The Moment Of His Presentation
A. Jesus
made His ride into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday. Just
a few days before His death an exactly one week
before His
B. His entrance into Jerusalem
on this particular day was no coincidence.
Rather, His entrance into Jerusalem coincided exactly
with Daniel's
as found in (Dan. 9:24-27).
C. Jesus presented Himself
as the King of the Jews on the exact day when
the prophet said He would.
3. The Multitudes At His Presentation
A. They cried "Hosanna" which means "Save now." In light of His miracles,
most notable, that of raising Lazarus, and because of His public appeal,
the people
thought that Jesus would be the One who would overthrow
the Roman
government. These people were looking for a ruler.
B. In just 5 days, some of these same
people would join their voices with
those crying "crucify Him." (John 19:6).
C. Literally, Jesus demonstrated Himself
to be the King of the Jews. He
came unto
His own, just as the prophets had said, and His won received
Him not,
just as the prophets had predicted, (Zech.
1. To Die For Sin -
A. His ministry
here was not about the preaching, or the miracles
B. His entire life was
centered around the day He would climb Calvary
and be nailed to a cross. His entire purpose in
living was to die on the
C. Notice, (Rev.
13:8). But why did He have to die?
1. Had He not died, there would have been no remission
of sins,
(Heb. 9:22).
2. Jesus came to this world for the singular purpose
of dying for your
sin, because He loves you - (Rom. 5:8!)
2. To Draw Men Unto Himself (V.
32), -
A. Jesus tells us by His death on the
cross many would be drawn to
1. There
is something very compelling about the cross, when it
finally dawns on the lost sinner that Jesus hung there
for them.
B. Dear friends, consider what Jesus endured on your
1. The cross still has
the power to move! Has it moved you? Does
it move you still?
3. To Duplicate His life In All Those Who Came
By Faith .
A. Jesus
saw His impending death as a time of glory, (v. 23).
1. Why? He did not intend to stay dead! By His resurrection,
would open the way for all men to be saved.
2. Because Jesus died and is risen from the dead, He has the
power to duplicate His life in every single person who
their faith in Him.
3. Notice (Gal. 2:20).
B. Not only does Jesus save us from
our sins, but He also gives us a
brand new life! He allows us to live a life that would otherwise
have been
impossible. This is the essence of being
"born again."
1. They Rejected His Message -
A. They had trouble
grasping the truth that their Messiah, while He would
be a great leader and conquer their enemies, had
to first taste of death
for every men.
1. Therefore, just as men do today, they rejected the message of the
cross and went on in their sins.
B. Many today still
reject the message of the cross
2. They Rejected His Ministry -
A. Notice the question of the people, "Who is this Son of
1. They had taken all of His preaching,
His teaching and His wonders
and had thrown them all away. They were literally rejecting every
of His ministry to humanity.
B. Many still do this today. They hear the Gospel
and in effect say, "I
will not have this man to rule over me!" When they do this, they are
rejecting the only hope they have for salvation.
C. Please hear (Acts
3. They Rejected His Miracles -
A. Jesus clearly proved Himself to be the Messiah,
yet the people
to hear or see the truth.
B. This is still happening today!
People scoff at the message of the
and of salvation through the blood of Jesus,
(1 Cor. 1:18).
1. The Promise Of Revelation -
A. Jesus promises those
who receive Him that they can see God.
B. May I remind
you that Jesus is God in the flesh, (John 1:1; 14).
C. He came to reveal
the Father to us, if you have seen Him, you have
seen the Father, John 14:9.
D. If any person wants to
meet God, they will do so only through the
person of the Lord Jesus Christ (John
2. The Promise Of Release -
A. To be freed from
the darkness of sin.
1. I want you to know this morning that Jesus and Jesus alone
has the
power to break the chains of sin! He can save any sinner, save by His
grace, give that sinner a new life and set him free forever!
B. Jesus specializes in taking ruined, broken lives and renewing
3. The Promise Of Rescue -
A. He will deliver
all who come to Him from wrath and
B. When you receive
Jesus by faith, you are delivered from the
penalty on your sins. You are taken from death into life
have all the condemnation removed from you.
There is an ancient Scottish legend that tells the story
of a shepherd boy tending a few straggling sheep on the side of a mountain. One day as he cared for his sheep he saw at his
feet a beautiful flower -- one that was more beautiful than any he had ever seen in his life. He knelt down upon his knees
and scooped the flower in his hands and held it close to his eyes, drinking in its beauty. As he held the flower close to
his face, suddenly he heard a noise and looked up before him. There he saw a great stone mountain opening up right before
his eyes. And as the sun began to shine on the inside of the mountain, he saw the sprinkling of the beautiful gems and precious
metals that it contained.
With the flower in his hands, he walked inside. Laying the
flower down, he began to gather all the gold and silver and precious gems in his arms. Finally with all that his arms could
carry, he turned and began to walk out of that great cavern, and suddenly a voice said to him, "Don't forget the best."
Thinking that perhaps he had overlooked some choice piece
of treasure, he turned around again and picked up additional pieces of priceless treasure. And with his arms literally overflowing
with wealth, he turned to walk back out of the great mountainous vault. And again the voice said, "Don't forget the best."
But by this time his arms were filled and he walked on outside,
and all of a sudden, the precious metals and stones turned to dust. And he looked around in time to see the great stone mountain
closing its doors again. A third time he heard the voice, and this time the voice said, "You forgot the best. For the beautiful
flower is the key to the vault of the mountain."