Depart From Me
Matthew 7:21-23
Many people, religious folks and church members alike have the appearance of being saved
and claim to be right with God. They go to church, quote the Bible, sing the hymns, do good things. But it does not matter
how you appear here and now. But how you will appear at the moment of death. How
you will appear on judgment day." May I ask you how will you appear? Will you appear as a Saint at The Judgment Seat of Christ, or will you appear as a Sinner at The Great White Throne Judgment?
In chapter 7 of the Gospel of Matthew verses (1-14), the Lord Exposes Frauds:
In verses (15-20), we're told to beware of False Prophets. In verses
(21-23), we are to beware of False Professors.
In our text today, the Lord gives us a picture of how "MANY" will appear "in that day."
I. They Were Religious
1. They Made a Public Profession - "Lord,
A. Their Profession was sincere.
1. But their Confession was
B. They had a head knowledge of Christ.
1. But they needed a heart knowledge
of Christ.
2. They Undertook Christian Service - (Mat.
7:22) Many will say to me in
that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied
in thy name? and in thy
name have cast out devils? and in thy name
done many wonderful
A. But its not what you DO, but WHO you know, (Eph.
2:8, 9)
3. They Had Remarkable Success -
A. Success does not mean Sainthood
1. Note Islam, Mormons, False Jehovah’s
4. They had religious Energy -
A. Tried to work their way to heaven
5. They Were Very Strict In Their Religion- (legalists)
A. They did everything in the name of Christ.
1. The phrase "in thy name"
is mentioned three times.
2, Note (II Tim. 3:5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power
thereof: from such turn away.
II. They Were Dedicated
They were faithful to their religion. [They would put most of us to shame]
1. They Would Not Allow Men To Silence Them -
A. Can the same be said of we true believers?
1. Have you ever noticed
that the liberals never pick on the counterfeits;
they are
only out to silence the Bible believing fundamental Christians?
2. They Had Many Converts -
(but what do they have?) (2Ti. 3:13) But evil
men and seducers
shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being
deceived. (Mat.
15:14) Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the
blind. And
if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
3. They Expected To Enter Into The Heaven -
A. Why Not, they worked hard, did all the right things,
said all the right
words. However:
1. They had a false hope - (in themselves and their works)
2. They lived a life of rejection
instead of reception -
3. They did it their way, instead
of God's way - (Jesus)
III. They Were Deceived
1. They Prophesied, but they Did Not Pray!
2. They Cast Out devils, but the devil was NOT Cast Out of Them!
3. They Attended to Marvels, but NOT to the Essentials!
A. Mercy, grace and faith! (Romans
10:2, 3) For I bear them record that they
have a zeal of God,
but not according to knowledge. For
they being
ignorant of God's
righteousness, and going about to establish their own
righteousness, have
not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of
4. They Worked Wonders, but they were also Workers of Iniquity! (Mat. 7:23)
A. (Pro. 15:8-9) . The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD:
but the prayer of
the upright is his delight The way of the wicked is an
abomination unto the LORD:
but he loveth him that followeth after
B. You can be mistaken about a lot of things and get away with it, but
salvation is not one
of them --
1. Salvation is not in
a church; it is in Christ!
2. Salvation is not in the waters
of baptism; it is in being washed in the
blood of Christ!
3. Salvation is not in reciting a prayer; it
is in resting in the person of Christ!
4. Salvation is not in good works; it is in the gospel
of Christ!
IV. They Were Lost
1. The Solemn ness of What He Said - "I never knew
A. Jesus had been omitted from their religion!
B. What a great and a fatal oversight!
C. Now They Were Omitted From Heaven
2. The Terror of What He Said - "depart from me"
A. They must depart from all that's good!
B. They must depart from all hope!
C. They must depart FOREVER!
3. The Awfulness of What He Said -
A. He did not say that HE ONCE knew them, but NEVER
knew them.
1. They were strangers to Him:
2. He never pardoned them.
3. He never provided for them.
4. He never protected for them.
4. The Finality of What He Said -
A. Their sentence will NEVER be altered, or canceled!
B. They'll spend eternity in everlasting fire!
How will you appear when you die, or when the Lord returns: justified, or condemned, as a saint,
or a sinner? If you're saved, come rejoice and make sure that you're right with the Lord. If you're not saved,
come be saved TODAY!
The expression "face the music" is said to have originated in Japan. According to the story, one man
in the imperial orchestra couldn't play a note. Being a person of great influence and wealth, he had demanded that he be given
a place in the group because he wanted to "perform" before the emperor. The conductor agreed to let him sit in the second
row of the orchestra, even though he couldn't read music. He was given a flute, and when a concert would begin, he'd raise
his instrument, pucker his lips, and move his fingers. He would go through all the motions of playing, but he never made a
sound. This deception continued for two years.
Then a new conductor took over. He told the orchestra that he wanted to audition each player personally.
One by one they performed in his presence. Then came the flutist's turn. He was frantic with worry, so he pretended to be
sick. However, the doctor who was ordered to examine him declared that he was perfectly well. The conductor insisted that
the man appear and demonstrate his skill. Shamefacedly he had to confess that he was a fake. He was unable to "face the music."
In the realm of Christian service, many professing believers go through the motions, but they are only
pretenders. Someday they will be called upon to stand before the Judge of heaven and earth, and their deception will be revealed.
God will then separate the "phonies" from the real Christians. No one will be able to hide in the crowd. Each will be made
to "face the music."