Mark 9:42-50
Not many preachers or pastors preach about hell anymore. Why? Allow me to give you several reasons.
(1) It is too harsh for most. (2)It too is frightening for some. (3) It is not politically correct. (4)
Society does not want to recognize the reality of hell. But my dear friends, wither society recognizes hell or not,
wither you believe it or not. Hell is real, Hell is hot, and Hell is forever
We are living in an era that if something seems to offend someone then we are to refrain from talking
it. Especially talking about the Bible and Jesus Christ. That's the same thing the ostrich does. There seems to be some security
by sticking one's head into the sand. What you don't see will not hurt you, or what you don't hear will go away
Hell is as real as is your next door neighbor.
Hell is as close as your next breath, if you are not saved.
Hell is as sure for the unsaved person as heaven in for the saved person.
Hell is not a joke.
Why should a preacher preach about hell?
What Jesus is saying is that it is far better for a man to
get saved one-
armed, one-legged, one-eyed than to
go to hell with a perfect body. It
doesn't take much thought to see that Jesus is speaking in a very negative
manner about hell.
1. It Is A Place Of Eternal Fire. (Rev 20:10,14-15) (Rev 21:8)
A. How can that be? How
can something burn and not burn up?
1. Just like the burning bush in Exodus chapter
B. Jesus warned us 5 times in these verse about this place of
eternal fire.
1. Are you ignoring that warning?
2. It Is A Place Of Torment. (Lk.16:24)
A. Never ending torment
1. The duration of hell is not a 24 hour period.
It is not one year. It is not
even a thousand years. It is forever and forever...It is eternal. No human
has ever suffered as are those who are in hell this very moment, and as
those will suffer who ignore the warning of our Savior.
3. It Is A Place Of Separation.
A. Hell is a place where there will be no reuniting with anyone.
Separated for
all eternity.
4. It Is A Place Of Darkness.
A. (Mat 22:13) (Mat 25:30)
5. A Place Of Satanic Presence.
A. (Rev 20:10)
6. A Place Of The Unknown.
A. No person alive today really knows what hell is like.
1. No one has ever come back from
hell to tell about it. No one you know
that is alive today has ever suffered as will those in hell.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being
now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled
to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
1. Jesus Loved you enough to die for
you so you could be saved
A. If You Go To Hell You Will Have To Step Over The Crucified
Body Of
B. The crucified body of the blessed Son of God, the Precious
Lamb of God
stands between
you and hell. If you go to hell you will have to ignore the
fact that Christ died
for you.
C. What worries me most is that we have members of this church
who are
going to ignore
the crucified body of our Lord one day too many. We have
people on this church
roll who are not saved. Perhaps some of them may
be related to you. This one
fact troubles my soul greatly.
D. Some may ask, "How do you know, Bro. David?"
I know because several show no evidence
of being saved. It is impossible
to have a living
experience with the crucified and risen Son of God and
nothing change about
that person.
2. Jesus Calls For You To Be Saved Today.(2 Cor 6:2) For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now
is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
3. Jesus impress on others to call out to you to be saved. (Mat.28:18-20)
A. Every sermon that is preached is calling for you to be saved.
B. Every hymn that is sung is calling for you to be saved.
C. Every person here that is saved is calling for you to be saved.
D. If your father, your mother, your G. father, G. mother is in
heaven today,
they are crying
out for you to be saved
4. Jesus does not want anyone to go to that place called hell. (II
Pt. 3:9)
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly.
1. The reason Satan is trying so hard to defeat Christ and the cross.
A. To keep us from being saved. Satan knows Jesus is the only
way to be
2. The reason Satan tried tries to obscure the Gospel.
A. The Gospel tells us how to be saved and miss hell.
3. The reason man does not fear hell???????????????
A. Because he is blinded by the propaganda of Satan. (2
Cor 4:3)
B. Today, if you leave here without Christ as your Savior, you
are blinded.
Satan has
blinded your spiritual eyes. He has pulled the wool over your
eyes. He has caused
you to believe a lie. He has won the victory for your
soul for the present moment.
C. Why would anyone reject Christ one moment longer knowing that
Satan is
the one who
is confusing you and causing you to reject Christ?
IV. THE PLACE OF NO HOPE. (Luke 16:19-31)
1. The first hellish part about hell. Not chance of ever getting out of there!
A. In this life no matter how bad things seem to get, or really
do get. There is
always hope
of things getting better. But not in hell!
B. And I guess the terrible part is that you know, that there
is no hope.
1. The one thing that the rich man in Luke 16
never asked for after he went
to hell
was to be let out of that place! Why?
2. Because he knew that there was no hope of
getting out!
3. The second hellish part of hell is "where the worm dieth not."
A. May be this could be the memory eating the residents of hell.
Day and
B. If you go to that place called hell you will remember this
day! You will
remember the
words of this preacher. “Please give your life to Jesus Christ
and be saved today”
(Rom. 10:9-10,13)
Heard a Baptist preacher tell the story of the greatest single tragedy that ever occurred in the USA.
It was an explosion that killed four hundred school children and their teachers. The school was dismissing for the day when
a streak of lighting coming from the ground instead of from the skies, the great building was blown to ashes, and all there
lost their lives.
The government sent secret service men to investigate the cause. They
labored for days. One of the investigators was questioning a lady, the wife of a man who had worked on the construction of
the building. She said," My husband told me before this tragedy happened that he knew there was faulty construction in the
gas line under the building.
"What?" said the inspector. She repeated her statement. Then the inspector asked: You mean to tell
me that your husband knew that there was a problem with the gas line even before the school was build? Yes said the woman.
Did he tell anyone about this problem, asked the investigator? No said the woman! Then mama your husband is a criminal, and
he is responsible for the death of those children’s and teachers.
My friend Christian people know there is a Hell and that lost people are doomed to go there unless
some saved person leads them to Christ. Are you concerned for the lost? Are you picturing to them the doom that awaits them?
If not, you are just as responsible for their doom as that man who knew of the faulty construction in the gas line, was for
the death of those children.