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Once Saved Always Saved??


II.Tim 1:12

    In this verse, the Apostle Paul makes a bold statement concerning his salvation. He tells us that he is confident that his salvation is sound, secure, and eternal. But, is it really? Is salvation something we can count on, or is it something we must simply hope will work out for us in the end? Can a Christian truly have absolute assurance that he or she is saved? And, can the Christian be sure that he or she will never be lost again? Is there anything you or I could do that would cause Jesus to take away our salvation? Is it possible for us to decide that we didn't want to be a Christian anymore and lose it that way? What I am asking is can God really keep you saved?

Most people would say "No!" Many denominations hold a view that says man can, by the exercise of his own free will turn from God to sin at any time and be lost. This is the view held by the Methodists, Wesleyans, Free Will Baptists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, most holiness and charismatic groups, and the Anglican Church. In other words, the majority of Protestant denominations believe that it is possible for a person to be lost after they have come to Jesus Christ for salvation. 

I believe that once salvation has been granted by God, salvation can never be taken away, and I base this belief on the scriptures . Which tell us once a person has been saved by grace, born again, they are forever saved and nothing will ever be able to change that fact! We believe that man is saved by the exercise of his free will, and is at at the moment of salvation instantly and eternally changed and adopted in to the family of God. We believe that the believer is declared righteous through justification and that eternal life is a present possession. We hold that it is impossible for a born again one to ever be lost, or to ever go to hell.

Now, who is right? Can salvation be lost as the majority of the church world teaches? Or, is salvation an eternal gift that can never be taken back? I believe that Paul clears up the issue in this verse. Please allow me to take this one verse this morning, as well as some supporting texts, and answer the question, "Can God Really Keep Us Saved?" And how could Paul be so confident about his security?


    1. Involved A Person

       A. When Paul was saved on the way to Damascus, his conversion was the

            direct result of meeting a person, (Acts 9:4-6).

       B. Paul was a highly educated man, but his education did not save him.

           (Acts 22:3),

       C. He was a holy man when his life was compared with the requirements of

            the Law, but his holiness did not save him.Phil. 3:6.

       D. But, his salvation could never be earned with such things. It took a

           personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to bring about Paul's


          1. This is the way conversion happens for every person who ever gets


           2. (Eph. 2:8-9),(Acts 4:12);(1Jh 5:12).

    2. Involved A Plan

       A. Salvation cannot be worked up or prayed down.

           1.Only be accomplished through simple faith. (Jh. 3:16); (Rom. 10:9);

             John 3:36.

           2. What is faith? The word faith is defined as "complete confidence, trust

               or reliance." Faith, in regard to God, means having total trust in Jesus

               Christ for the salvation of one's soul. It mean trusting Jesus, Him alone,

               and Him completely for salvation.

    3. Involved A Preformance

        A. Notice the use of the words "I have believed." In the Greek, this verb is in

            the Perfect Tense. This means that it is an action that has been ompleted

            in the past, once and for all, not needing to be repeated ever.

       B. The same is true for the salvation you and I enjoy through Jesus

           (Heb. 6:4-6.)


    1. Based In The Person Of God

        A. Paul says this, "I know in Whom I have believed." The word know means

            to "know by personal experience."

           1. People who have assurance of salvation have a strong personal faith in

               God. They believe in a God who is all-powerful. One who does what He

               has promised and One who is able to bring about salvation.

          2. Those who doubt whether or not God can save them and keep them

             saved often have an imperfect view of who God is.

    2. Based In The Power Of God

       A. Next Paul reminds us that God is "able". This word simply means that

            God has the power to do a thing.

        B. Paul tells us that his salvation, and our as well, is based in the power of


       C. Peter tells us that we are "kept by the power of God", (1 Pet. 1:5).

           1. In simple terms, our salvation is only as strong as God's power to keep


           2. We serve a God Who is infinitely powerful. (Isa. 26:4; Luke 1:37)

    3. Based In The Promises Of God

        A.Paul's confidence is not a blind leap into the dark, but is based squarely

            upon the precious promises of God

        1. Is by grace, not works - Eph. 2:8-9.

        2. Everlasting John 6:47; John 3:16.

        3. Is a present possession - John 3:36.

        4.Will never be revoked - John 10:28.

        5. Is secure- John 10:28-29.

        6. No more condemnnation - Rom. 8:1; John 5:24.

.       7. No more seperation - Rom. 8:38-39.


    1. He Committed His Soul

        A. Paul was trusting Jesus with his eternal soul.

    2.. He Committed His Service

        A. Paul had given his life, after salvation, to doing what the Lord wanted him

            to do

            1.Such a gift demands such a surrender! (1 John 4:19.) (1 Cor.15:19.)

    3. He Committed His Salvation

        A. As this verse closes, Paul speaks of "that day."

            1. He knows that when that day comes, he had better be found in Christ.

               a. For to be found in the flesh and in the substance of the natural man

                   is to invite certain damnation.

           2. Paul knew that when "that day" came he would be found in Jesus,

              regardless of what happened down here in this life, (Phil. 3:9).


I want every person who comes to this church to know that there is a great big God in Heaven who keeps every saint He saves. He is able and He will get us home in one piece.

As we close this message this morning, I want to ask you a very simple question, "Have you ever been saved?" If you answer is no, then I want to remind you that God loves you and has made a way for you to be saved. If you would like to get the matter of your salvation squared away this morning, then this altar is open for you.

If you are saved, I want you to know that God will take you safely home to Heaven when you leave this world. Irregardless of what the devil, the world or the flesh does, God is still able to save to the uttermost, Heb. 7:25.

Allow me to close with this story of my son and my self. I remember one day long ago, when my son Will was a very young boy. We were crossing a busy street in Baton Rouge Louisiana when Will lost his footing and almost feel, matter of fact he would have fallen if I had not of had hold of his hand. I just held him up by the hand until we were across the street. When we got on the other side Will said this with a big smile on his face. “I hanged on daddy.” Yes he had indeed hanged on, but I had hanged on to him first.

That is the way that it is with our salvation in Jesus Christ.

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