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Revived Now What

Acts 4:23-35

We at Eagle Rock Church have experienced revival, have we not? If that is the case, then what now? What should we expect? Just what should we be doing now? Well we have a good example in the book of acts. In these scriptures before us we see the first church coming out of revival services, thousands have been saved. The "church" was empowered by God.

But all was not sunshine and roses, when a church comes alive with the power of God, and people are being saved, lives are being changed, things are really happening. Satan and unbelievers get mad! Persecution will come.

How did the first church respond to this? Let's look and see how these people conducted themseves, in the mist of persecution. Now please understand what God did then, He can still do today. He has not changed. If anthing has changed, it is His people.

I. They Worshipped (V. 24-31)

When these early Christians hear the report from the Apostles, they do not react with fear and trembling. They do not seek a place to hide in fear. Instead, they turn their hearts to the Lord is worship. Notice how this crowd worshiped the Lord.

    1. They Worshiped With Their Presence    (Heb. 10:25).

       A. Time for the church to meet, these folks did not have to be rounded up

       B. This is God's desire for all His children.

       C. We all realize that there are times when it is necessary to miss church.

       D. A Faith that won't take you to church will not likely take you to Heaven

       E. Don't wait until the hearse hauls you to church.

1. There will be beautiful flowers there, but you won't enjoy them.

2. Pastor may say some good things about you,  you won't be able to hear 

3. There will be beautiful music, but you won't be enjoying it.

4. There will be heartfelt prayers, but they will not touch your heart.

5. Will be friends and relatives there, but you will not worship with them.

6. You'll never get another chance.

    2. They Worshiped With Praise .

       A. Praise For God's Person

           1. Every saint of God should take the time to praise God for Who He is

           2. We should praise Him for the attributes that make Him God!

               a. Holiness, grace, mercy, goodness, love, presence, peace, power,

                   glory, hope

    B. Praise For God's Provision

        1. These verses recount the hatred of the world toward Jesus

        2. If there was ever a reason to praise the Lord, it is the death of Christ on

            the cross for our sins!

       3. There is still a valid place for praise on the house of God!

       4. Praise is not an option, but a command, Heb. 13:15; Psa. 5:11; Isa. 12:6.

       5. God save us from a dead spirit in the house God

   C. Praise For God's Power

        1. They mention God's "hand". This is a reference to His great power.

        2. God has not changed! He is still the same today as He has ever been!

        3. He still has "all power in Heaven and in earth", Matt. 28:18. Ex. 3:14.

    D. Praise For God's Providence

        1. They thanked God that He is in control of all of life! What a lesson for us

        2. If we really believe that God is in control, then  praise Him for all of life, 

    3. They Worshiped With Prayers

       A. Prayed For God's Investigation

          1. This is what the Lord wants us to do with the perplexing situations of life.

          2. He wants us to bring our matters to Him in prayer, Phil. 4:6-7.

     B. Prayed For God's Infilling

         1. They prayed for the filling of the Spirit so that they might boldly proclaim

             His message!

         2. They wanted the power of God. To witness, worship, preach, live Godly

         3. They took the place of "servants", literally, "slaves", before God

         4. This is the kind of praying we need in the church today.

    C. Prayed For God's Intervention

         1. They asked God to get personally involved in the situation.

         2. They prayed that God would show up and show out in their midst

         3. Let is not be afraid to ask Him. He will answer, Matt. 7:7-8; Jer. 33:3;

    4. They Worshiped With Power

       A. The Place Was Shaken

           1. He turned their prayer meeting upside down!

           2. You know when God is in a service and when He is not!

           3. We need God to shake us today! Need Him to move in our services!

      B. The People Were Saturated

          1. When the Lord moved in, those who were looking for something got it!

          2. They were "all" filled with the Holy Ghost. Can you imagine ?

          3 An extraordinary event? I don' t think so! Eph. 5:18

     C. The Proclamation Was Sounded

         1. When the Lord began to move they began to proclaim His Word.

         2. There was spontaneous praise and rejoicing in the presence of the Lord.

         3. May God help His church to return to those glorious days  

II. They Worked   (V. 32, 34-35)

These verses make it clear that the early church was a busy bunch. They were active in the Lord's work and they were active in the lives of the Lord's people. In doing what they did, they set a good example for the church in our day.

    1. The Reason For Their Work

        A. They Shared A Common Love

            1. "of one heart." They had a love one for another that could not be

                 explained in human terms.

            2. He gives us the ability to allow Him to love through us.

      B. They Shared A Common Life

           1. That is, the Bible says they were "of one soul".

           2. They were not in this thing alone and they knew it.

           3. When we are saved, the life of Christ comes into "us", all of us.

    2. The Results Of Their Work

       A. They Demonstrated Servanthood

           1. Each willingly placed himself at the service of others.

           2.Realized that the church was about more than them getting their way

           3. His desire is for Saints to serve one another, as Christ served man

      B. They Demonstrated Selflessness

          1. These people also placed others ahead of themselves.

     C. They Demonstrated Sacrifice

         1. These people gave up things that were precious and important to them

         2. What a lesson for us! May we be willing to sacrifice

III. They Witnessed (V. 33)

This verse tells us that these people were not quiet about their faith. They were bold in their witness and they were not ashamed of what they had, or who they were in the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice two quick thoughts about the witness of these believers.

    1. They Witnessed In The Power Of God

       A. When these Apostles went forth bearing the message of Jesus,

           1. He went with them bearing witness to their message!

      B. The reason thousands were being saved?

          1. They were operating in the power of God.

          2. We need that power today! It is ours by faith, Acts 1:8.

    2. They Witnessed In The Provision Of Grace

       A. The Bible tells us that "great grace was upon them all."  "divine favour"

          1. This was the case in Acts 2:47, " with God and people"

      B. May we seek Him for that same grace to go out and tell a world about a

          Savior Who loves them.


The Melt Down

During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the British government began to run low on silver for coins. Lord Cromwell sent his men on an investigation of the local cathedral to see if they could find any precious metal there.

After investigating, they reported, "The only silver we could find is in the statues of the saints standing in the corners."

To which the radical soldier and statesman of England replied, "Good! We'll melt down the saints and put them into circulation!"


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