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It is time for America to make a choice. Her choice will determine if she soars as a nation or suffers as a nation

Isa.1: 16-20

    As one reads the first chapter of the book of Isaiah he will not find God’s people in a very promising situation. The Northern Kingdom, called, Israel, had undergone a long succession of ungodly kings, which had led her to destruction and ruin. God had judged them for their idolatry and alliances with pagan powers.
    The Southern Kingdom, called, Judah, could not boast of having done much better. They too had slipped in and out of idolatry, and alliances with pagan countries, such as Assyria and Egypt. It was due to this sad state of affairs that Isaiah the prophet was called upon by God to prophesy against the sins of His people.
The first chapter of Isaiah is actually a call to decision. It is somewhat reminiscent of Joshua’s challenge many years before, when he said, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve…” (Joshua 24: 15a).
It also bears a striking similarity to Elijah’s searching question on Mt. Carmel, where he said, “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him” (I Kings 18: 21).
    Though the call to decision in Isaiah chapter one is not stated quite as concisely as the ones just mentioned, it is still very clear to those who read carefully. God was saying to the nation of Israel, “Repentance or retribution: it’s your choice.” God’s patience had run out. Now it was time to make a decision. Their decision would determine whether they would suffer or soar as a nation.

I. JUDAH’S CONDITION (verses 1-9)

    1. Judah Was Debased. (verses 1-3)
      A. Judah had shown ingratitude for God’s care and provision.

       B. Judah had shown irreverence toward God, in spite of His kindness toward them.

          1. In verse two, one can imagine the broken heart of God as He refers to the people

            of  Judah as His children whom He had nurtured and loved only to have them rebel

            against Him.

         2. God shows how debased Judah had become by comparing them to dumb animals

              (v. 3). Even the ox and donkey showed more natural respect and obedience for

               their  masters than did Judah for her God.

    2. Judah Was Defiled. (verse 4)

        A. God said Judah was “sinful” basically means to, “miss the mark”

         B. God said that Judah was “laden with iniquity.”

            1. The word “iniquity” makes reference to “a perversion or twisting aside”

         C. God said that Judah was “evildoers”

              1. Implies not merely those that do evil, but those “…who commit harmful,

                  injurious sin

             2. The term “corrupters” speaks of those who defiled or destroyed that which was


    3. Judah Was Defiant. (verse 5-6)

       A. The picture here is that of a stubborn, arrogant child, who refuses to do what is


      B. The people of Judah had abandoned (“forsaken”) God, by defiantly alienating and

            separating themselves from Him. This of course had “provoked” God to anger.

       C. The first part of verse five indicates that previous judgment had not produced a

            change of heart. The picture gleaned from verses five and six is that of a vicious


      D. (Prov.29: 1).

       E. God is loving and kind. But there comes a time when God’s patience with man’s

            rebellion runs out.
4. Judah Was Diseased.
(verse 5)
   A. This was not a mere surface malady. Judah’s spiritual sickness extended to its very


   B. This was a longstanding problem that had not been dealt with, and had now

          diseased the whole nation.

    5. Judah Was Desolate. (verses 7-9)

       A. Judah had experienced not only devastation, but occupation and decimation as

             well. Yet they would not

II. GOD’S CONTEMPT (verses 10-15)

    1. God Said Their Pretense Was Vain.

       A. Judah’s worship was mere religious sham.(verses 10-12)

            1.Notice that God, through the prophet Isaiah, likens Judah to Sodom and


          2. “Why do you bother going through the motions of sacrifices for sin, when you

               don’t intend to repent?

            3. I believe God is perhaps asking the same pointed question of a lot of churches


          4. God said that pretentious worship, which refuses to deal with sin, only reveals


        5. The spiritual question today is not how do you look to others, but how do you

            live before others.

         6. Worship is nullified by sin. (verse 13)
    2. God Said Their Prayers Were Valueless. (verses 14-15)

        A. The Hebrew, when praying, extends his hands with the palms upward towards

              heaven, as a symbol of being clean from guilt before God. But

          B. Notice these biblical implications concerning prayer:

              1. Prayer Is To Be Perpetual: The Altar of Incense was made of acacia wood so it

                   would be durable

             2. Prayer Is To Be Precious: The Altar of Incense was completely overlaid with

                 pure gold (Ex.30: 3-5).

            3. Prayer Is To Be Powerful: The Altar of Incense had a horn at all four corners.

            4. Prayer Is To Be Preparatory: The Altar of Incense stood right in front of the veil

                that opened up into


    1. Their Sin Had To Be Forsaken.(verses 16-17)

    2. Repentance Would Result In Forgiveness.(verses 18-19)

       A. No matter how serious their sin, God could restore them to purity and innocence.

   3. Rebellion Would Cause Judgment To Fall.(verse 20)

       A. Sadly, Judah did not repent. And the judgment that God pronounced upon them

             came in two phases:

             1. The Assyrian invasion of 701 B.C.

             2. The Chaldean invasions of 588-587 B.C.”




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